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National Post

It’s time to wake up to the fact that a general lack of sleep is severely and negatively affecting all of us

But people also underestimate their impairment due to drowsiness when it comes to other mental and physical activities. When there’s been chronic sleep-deprivation, individuals actually reset their baseline so that their state of sluggishness, ill health and mental fatigue becomes their new “normal.” If you think you’re getting by just fine on four or five hours … Continue reading It’s time to wake up to the fact that a general lack of sleep is severely and negatively affecting all of us

New Food Magazine

Gut microbiome helps body against food allergies

Scientists have reported that the gut microbiome plays a key role in the development of severe food allergies, and could be exploited to prevent their development. Previously, scientists have identified that infants allergic to cow’s milk had different compositions of gut microbes than non-allergic infants. Research has also shown that some microbes are associated with a lower … Continue reading Gut microbiome helps body against food allergies

Wall Street Journal

The loneliest generation: americans, more than ever, are aging alone

The effect of isolation is extraordinarily powerful,” says Donald Berwick, former administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. “If we want to achieve health for our population, especially vulnerable people, we have to address loneliness.” The Trump administration is looking at expanding faith-based partnerships to combat isolation among seniors, says U.S. Assistant Secretary … Continue reading The loneliest generation: americans, more than ever, are aging alone


A time to fast.

Although these findings clearly indicate that a reduction of caloric intake could be an effective intervention to improve health and prevent disease during aging in humans, there are several obstacles [including safety concerns and lack of data in older popualtions] and…The current “obesogenic” social environment makes it difficult for individuals to adhere to strict dietary … Continue reading A time to fast.

National Geographic

How personalized medicine is transforming your healthcare.

Precision medicine flips the script on conventional medicine, which typically offers blanket recommendations and prescribes treatments designed to help more people than they harm but that might not work for you. The approach recognizes that we each possess distinct molecular characteristics, and they have an outsize impact on our health.


Dr. Taz wants to help you find your ‘super woman rx’

Wellness is essentially about finding our best energy, weight and emotional mindset—our power. It’s not about the latest trend. When we lack the key nutrients or hormone balance to feel good, our best efforts are only representative of half of our true potential, not a true reflection of all we could do and accomplish.


DNA researchers pinpoint the type of exercise that could extend life

But perhaps the most well-studied part of anti-aging is the role of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that naturally get shorter as we get older. As we age, telomeres shorten naturally, but there are some things we can do to slow, or even, in small part, reverse that process. Endurance exercises reversed the shortening of … Continue reading DNA researchers pinpoint the type of exercise that could extend life


The real trick to staying young forever

Relationships deeply affect people’s physical and mental health—including relationships with younger generations. George Vaillant, the psychiatrist who led the study for decades, found that those in middle age or older who invest in nurturing the next generation were three times as likely to be happy as those who fail to do so. “Biology flows downhill,” he … Continue reading The real trick to staying young forever


Why scientists are rushing to catalog the world’s poop

The effort is known as the Global Microbiome Conservancy (GMC), and its goal is to catalog and safe-keep the different kinds of gut bacteria found in humans’ digestive systems across the planet. It’s an endeavor that could be under threat from changing diets and lifestyles.

New York Times

The human brain is a time traveler.

A growing number of scholars, drawn from a wide swath of disciplines — neuroscience, philosophy, computer science — now argue that this aptitude for cognitive time travel, revealed by the discovery of the default network, may be the defining property of human intelligence. “What best distinguishes our species,” Seligman wrote in a Times Op-Ed with … Continue reading The human brain is a time traveler.

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