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Taylor MacIssac

How your genetics determine what you should eat

At Superhuman Summit 2017, Taylor MacIssac revealed how your genetics can accurately predict the impact that your behaviours have on your body. An expert in statistical correlations between genetics and your food, Taylor presents a measurement algorithm that can tell you what level of intake of fat, lactose, caffeine, alcohol and vitamins are best for … Continue reading How your genetics determine what you should eat

Kristina Dimitrova

Fashion and technology is colliding to give you new abilities

Fashion expert Kristina Dimitrova demonstrates how our clothing will become the interface, and we will be the UI. Fashion has a fundamental role in the adoption of emerging technologies and as the two continue to merge we will see how subtle and stylish augmentation technology can be. And ultimately, we may discover how textiles make … Continue reading Fashion and technology is colliding to give you new abilities

Dr. Brendan Byrne

Your best health outcomes don’t come from healthcare

Dr. Brendan Byrne delivers a vision for healthcare which maximizes prevention and performance by combining digital innovation, fundamental wellness principles and a strategy tailored just for you. Brendan’s future outlook showcases how the healthcare system will shift dramatically toward “precision health” and the increasing importance of “health tune ups”, utilizing personalized behaviour action plans. The … Continue reading Your best health outcomes don’t come from healthcare

Adam McHeffey

Back to the start. Played on Artiphon INSTRUMENT 1

Using the history of musical technology as a jumping off point, Adam McHeffey custom-crafted a Superhuman Summit performance titled, “Back to Start”. The performance is a representation of the many musical innovations we have witnessed over human history. Adam’s exciting demonstration of Artiphon’s INSTRUMENT 1 provides a glimpse into the future of music creation. Human … Continue reading Back to the start. Played on Artiphon INSTRUMENT 1

Shawn Stevenson

Sleep is not for the weak

Sleep whisperer, Shawn Stevenson, is fighting back against the predominant “sleep is for the weak” mentality in our culture. In this seductive talk, Shawn guides us through his journey with insufficient sleep and how his determination to improve the quality of his sleep led to massive improvements in all areas of his life, including efficient … Continue reading Sleep is not for the weak

Dr. Jesse Karmazin

Can young blood reverse aging and cure disease?

Dr. Jesse Karmazin shares his pioneering expertise to demonstrate how blood transfusions can reverse the effects of aging and combat age-related diseases like dementia and heart disease. Jesse’s research and young blood clinical trials may unlock the opportunities to deliver these cures in the very near future.

Keegan MacIntosh

I’m getting frozen when I die, and so should all of you

In this sharp talk from Superhuman Summit 2017, Keegan challenges standard assumptions of death. Keegan’s argument: the science behind cryopreservation and human cryonics is improving rapidly and the likelihood to live forever may just exist today. Once you believe this technology gives you a probability greater than zero to live on into the future, the … Continue reading I’m getting frozen when I die, and so should all of you

Jordan Lejuwaan

Digital reality technologies will make us superhuman

In this technology-driven talk at Superhuman Summit 2016, Jordan Lejuwaan paints a future reality where human ability is augmented through a fast approaching digital environment.

Jesse Billauer

Greatness comes from within

In the closing talk of Superhuman Summit 2016, Jesse Billauer recounts the accident that left him suddenly paralyzed just when he was becoming one of the best surfers in the world. Shockingly, this turn of events didn’t slow Jesse down and he continues to surf without the full use of his body. An inspiration to … Continue reading Greatness comes from within

Conor Russomanno

Open-sourcing the brain

In one part talk, one part demonstration, Conor Russomanno showcases the world’s first open-source brain computer interface (BCI). The hardware technology stands at the forefront of the neuro-revolution, an era where we understand how the electrical signals of the brain work, use them to shape our brain health, and quite possibly control the technologies around … Continue reading Open-sourcing the brain

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